Thursday, August 9, 2018

There Are 4 Types of Belly Fat: What Is Your Type and How to Get Rid of It?

There Are 4 Types of Belly Fat: What Is Your Type and How to Get Rid of It? - If you’ve decided to get rid of the surplus inches around the waist, what you need to do is to determine your type of belly fat, since there are several types, and then find the adequate way to cope with it. These are the 4 main types; let’s take a look at each of them:

Bloated belly fat

Bloated belly is usually a consequence of eating foods which the body cannot tolerate, foods with a small amount of vitamins and minerals, or allergies. If you have this type of belly fat, you should start drinking natural drinks that will have a positive influence on your digestion and lower the swelling. You’ll benefit more from a well-balanced diet than from exercising.

Punctured-tire belly fat

This type of belly fat is a consequence of lack of immobility and frequent sitting. Also, it may be caused by excessive amount of sugary foods. If you have this type of belly, lower the amount of alcohol and soda drinks and lead a healthier diet.

Low belly fat

Soft belly fat formed in the lower abdomen is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of same foods. This type of belly fat is also present in individuals who are slim, but not enough physically active. In order to solve this problem, you should be more physically active and lead a balanced diet.

Stress belly fat

A round belly fat in the lower part of the abdomen is a common case in perfectionists, but also in people who have a problem with swelling and digestion. If you want to shed this belly fat, you should stop skipping meals, exclude fast food, and stop drinking too much caffeine.
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Doctors Are Shocked: This Kills 93% of Colon Cancer in Only 2 Days!

Doctors Are Shocked: This Kills 93% of Colon Cancer in Only 2 Days! - Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in both men and women. And, unfortunately, most of the available conventional treatments for cancer are created with the purpose to increase the profit of the pharmaceutical industry, not to help patients.

However, a recent research done at the University of Adelaide, Australia, showed that lauric corrosive, part of coconut oil, can destroy around 93% of colon cancer cells within 48 hours.

Coconut oil is a very beneficial natural cure for infections, liver problems, and skin diseases, as well as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease. The lauric corrosive destroys the cancerous cells by causing oxidative stress and thus, lowers the amount of glutathione which is used by cancer cells as a shield from oxidative stress or exposure to oxygen radicals.

Lauric acid is normally present in breast milk and it is a fatty acid which strengthens the immunity and it has anti-microbial characteristics as well. According to clinical studies done by the American Society for Nutrition, the fat in coconut oil can treat and prevent osteoporosis, bladder problems, Crohn’s, and even cancer.

This potent oil can decrease the side effects of chemo and better the quality of life of cancer patients.
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97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Had This Dental Procedure

97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Had This Dental Procedure - Believe it or not, the main reason for the serious disease you’ve been struggling with may be in your mouth. In fact, the reason may be a very common dental procedure which is deemed safe by dentists throughout the world, however, scientists have been warning about its dangers for more than a century.

In the USA solely, daily, around 41,000 such dental procedures are performed on patients. Known as an endodontic treatment or root canal, this is the removal of an inflamed or infected pulp, after which, the tooth’s inside is cleaned and disinfected and then filled and sealed with gutta-percha. The tooth is then restored with a crown or a filling for protection.

These teeth are essentially ‘dead’ and they can breed highly toxic anaerobic bacteria, which may, under the right circumstances, penetrate the bloodstream and cause serious health problems, even decades later.

However, according to the American Dental Association, root canals are safe, even though there is no published data or research to substantiate the claim.

Weston A. Price

Doctor Price was a dentist and a researcher who travelled around the world in order to study teeth, bones, and diets of native populations who lived without modern -day food. In 1900, he had been treating persistent root canal infections and began doubting that these teeth remain infected regardless of the treatment.

One day, the doctor recommended to a female patient, who was bound to a wheelchair for 6 years, to remove her root canal tooth instead of doing the procedure. She agreed, the tooth was removed and then implanted under the skin of a rabbit and it developed the same arthritis as the female patients and died after 10 days. On the other hand, the lady, free of the toxic tooth, recovered from the arthritis and was able to walk without a wheelchair or a cane.

What Price discovered was the mechanical impossibility to sterilize a root-filled tooth and then he showed that a lot of chronic degenerative illnesses are caused by root-filled teeth, like heart and circulatory diseases.

In fact, he found 16 different bacterial agents and strong connections between these teeth and joint, brain, and nervous system diseases. In 1922, he wrote his two books with details of his research on the association between chronic diseases and dental pathology. But, his work was deliberately hidden for 70 years until an endodontist, George Meinig, recognized the value of Price’s work and decided to expose the truth.

Doctor Meinig was born in Chicago and was a captain in the U.S. Army during WWI and after the war; he moved to Hollywood and became a dentist there. Later on, he became a founding member of the AAE. In 1993, he published the book Root Canal Cover-Up.

What dentists don’t know

In the middle of the tooth, there is the pulp chamber, a soft, living inner structure which has blood vessels and nerves. Around the pulp chamber, there is the dentin which is made of living cells which secrete a hard mineral substance. And, the hardest and outer layer of the tooth is the white enamel encasing the dentin. The root of a tooth descends into the jawbone and is held by the periodontal ligament.

In dental school, dentists are taught that every tooth has 4 main canals, but the additional ones are never mentioned. Weston Price identified around 75 separate accessory canals in one central incisor. And, when a dentist performs a root canal procedure, they hollow out the tooth and fill the hollowness with gutta-percha. However, this cuts off the tooth from its blood supply and fluid is no longer able to circulate through the tooth. Bacteria, being cut off from their main food source, hide in these tunnels, safe from antibiotics and the body’s immune defenses.

Under oxidative stress and nutrient deprivation, these previously friendly organisms morph into stronger and virulent anaerobes that produce toxins and wait for the right opportunity to spread further. Unfortunately, sterilization was found unsuccessful in reaching these tubules and very often, the infection may extend down into the jawbone and create cavitations.

These are areas of unhealed bone accompanied by pockets of gangrene and infected tissue. They can form after a wisdom tooth extraction or root canal procedure. The problem is that this condition doesn’t manifest through visible symptoms and, you may have a dead tooth without knowing about it.

As long as your immunity is strong, bacteria coming from the infected tooth will be destroyed, but, once your immunity weakens by an illness, trauma, or an accident, the immunity won’t be able to hold off the infection. As a result, the bacteria may spread onto the surrounding tissues and then go into the bloodstream and from there, to any organ, gland, or tissue.

The diseases which have been associated with root canals are heart disease, kidney disease, rheumatic disease, neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases.

According to Dr. Robert Jones, who researched the association between root canals and breast cancer, these are the connections he found through his 5-year study with 300 breast cancer cases:

93% of breast cancer patients had root canals

7% had other oral pathology

In most of the cases, the tumors were on the same side of the body as the root canal or other oral problem

A similar association was found by a German physician, that is, in his 40 years of treating terminally ill cancer patients, 97% of them had root canals done at some point in their lives. The presence of dead tissue may cause the immunity to launch an attack, which is yet another reason why this procedure should be avoided.

Nonetheless, the ADA rejects the evidence of Dr. Price and they still claim that this procedure is safe. There is a definite contradiction here since they recognize the fact that oral bacteria can make their way from the mouth to the heart and cause an infection since they prescribe antibiotics to patients who have undergone the procedure, but in the same time, they deny any possibility that these bacteria can be released in the bloodstream whenever a person chews.

Probably, the main reason for this is the fact that root canals are one of the most profitable procedures in dentistry.

What to do?

Instead of having this procedure, a far safer option is to remove the tooth; otherwise, the risk of serious health problems may increase. After a tooth extraction, there are several options that your dentist may recommend like partial denture, a bridge, or an implant.
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10 Warning Signs That You May Be a Victim of HIV

10 Warning Signs That You May Be a Victim of HIV - HIV is a sexually-transmitted disease which is a consequence of having unprotected sexual intercourse with a person who has the infection. Since the number of HIV patients in the world isn’t small, it’s important to increase the awareness about this dangerous illness. We’ve made a list of beneficial information about the most common symptoms of HIV:


When you have the flu, fever is a normal symptom. However, if this is a common problem for you, you should do a HIV test as soon as possible.


HIV is a disease which affects a person’s stamina and lowers the levels of energy. Therefore, if you feel tired even after a good night’s sleep or a nap, you should consult your physician.

Muscle pain

If you feel pain in your back, joints, and legs while doing day to day tasks, you should consult a doctor.

Headache and sore throat

When you’ve been infected with HIV, the immunity weakens and any infection can attack your system very easy. This may manifest through an irritation in the throat or a strong headache which may last with days.


HIV is known to manifest through itchy rashes on the skin.

Unexplained weight loss and loss of appetite

These two symptoms are often associated with HIV; therefore, you should consult your physician for further tests.

Inability to focus

An unhealthy body is the cause of an unhealthy mind. So, if you experience a difficulty to concentrate on your work, you should consult your physician.

Brittle nails

Brittle nails and changes in nail color may be a symptom of HIV. Yellow nails are a well-known sign of this infection.

Dry cough

Sticky cough that lasts for a longer period of time might be a sign of HIV.

Night sweats

If you’ve been sweating a lot at night, accompanied by a difficulty breathing and falling asleep, even though the temperature in the room is balanced, you should consult your physician.
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Put Salt in Your Shampoo before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems!

Put Salt in Your Shampoo before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems! - If you want to have a healthier hair, encourage its growth, and solve scalp problems, you needn’t spend a lot of money on expensive store-bought hair care products. There is a very simple but potent natural ingredient that has the power to prevent hair loss and stop scalp itchiness. The ingredient is, believe it or not, salt.

Salt can eliminate dead skin cells through skin exfoliation. Also, it will moisturize the skin, prevent dandruff, and remove surplus oil from the hair.

Types of salt

Even though every type of salt has sodium chloride, there are 4 major types of salt, that is, stone salt, extracted salt, sea salt, and rock salt. Stone salt has 85% sodium chloride and more than 80 minerals. It can balance the body’s pH, eliminate of toxins, regulate water content, and prevent muscle cramps.

Extracted salt has a larger grain size than common table salt. Sea salt may contain potassium, iron, and zinc as well. Rock salt is the best one for cosmetic purposes since it has an abundance of minerals, that is, sodium iodides, carbonates, fluorides, and other chemical compounds.

Sea salt is considered to be one of the most beneficial salts for the hair, that is, it can strengthen the hair follicle and nourish the scalp. It will encourage hair growth, increase the volume, and stimulate the blood circulation in the scalp. It will also cleanse the pores and strengthen the cell membranes thanks to the presence of calcium.

How to use it

Simply add 3 tbsp of sea salt to your shampoo, shake the content, and use this mixture to wash your hair.

The first positive results are visible after only a few treatments.
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3 Serious Reasons Why You Need to Stop Using Your Smartphone at Night

3 Serious Reasons Why You Need to Stop Using Your Smartphone at Night - Nowadays, because of the modern times we live in, we tend to use our smart phones even before we go to bed. Before falling asleep, we surf the internet, play a game, check the weather forecast for the next day, chat with friends, etc. However, according to experts who research the effect of smart phones on our health, this habit may cause serious health issues.

The main reason behind this is the radiation emitted from the phones, that is, the blue light coming from the screen. It’s a part of the full light spectrum and we’re exposed to it through the sun on a daily basis. But, exposure to the light at night through our phones, tablets, laptops, etc. may cause vision problems. Moreover, this light impedes the melatonin production and thus, it has a negative influence on the body’s natural sleep cues.

From a scientific point of view, smart phones have been associated with the following health issues:


The light coming from these devices disturbs the sleeping patterns and increases the risk of cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. Melatonin, a powerful antioxidant, is a naturally- found weapon against cancer in our bodies, however, the blue light suppresses it.


Melatonin is also a hormone which regulates the body’s sleeping cycle and the blue light is known to disrupt its production. This results in insomnia and other problems like weight gain, depression, cardiovascular problems, aging skin, slower time for response, etc.

Eye damage

When constantly exposed to the blue light from the screens, there is a higher risk of retina damage, macular degeneration, and cataracts. One doctor had a 35-year old patient with cloudy vision and cataracts which is not so common in younger individuals. However, the main reason, as it appears, might be the frequent use of gadgets before sleep.

After reading this information, will you continue using your smart phone or tablet prior to bed?
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This Mouthwash Removes Plaque from Teeth in 2 Minutes

This Mouthwash Removes Plaque from Teeth in 2 Minutes - Did you know that your oral health determines your overall health? When it comes to one’s oral health, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of using a mouthwash. It lowers plaque and fights off those bacteria that you’re unable to catch with a toothbrush. It leaves the mouth squeaky clean and the breath fresh and bacteria-free.

Homemade mouthwash is an even better and safer alternative than the store-bought ones. These are some of the benefits of making your own mouthwash:

Easily affordable ingredients
Controllable ingredients
Free of chemicals; store-bought mouthwash contains chemicals, colorants, flavorings, etc.
Below, you have a recipe for one of the most effective homemade mouthwashes that you can use to eliminate tartar and have whiter teeth.

You will need:

  • A tbsp of baking soda
  • Half a tsp of salt
  • Half a cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • A cup of cold water
  • Half a cup of warm water
  • A toothbrush
  • Toothpicks

Preparation and use: Mix the baking soda and salt and then wet the toothbrush in warm water. Put a bit of the mixture on it and brush the teeth for 2 minutes. Afterwards, spit out the content. Next, you need to mix the warm water and hydrogen peroxide and then rinse the mouth with it and the spit it out. By using a toothpick, remove the tartar between the teeth and when you’re done, rinse the mouth with cold water.

Repeat the procedure twice in one week.

Why baking soda?

Because it’s one of the most powerful cleansers and it has so many uses, one of them being an ingredient in a homemade mouthwash. It has bleaching properties and an antibacterial properties that are in charge of removing the tartar and microbes causing bad breath and cavities.


Never swallow mouthwash

Brush your teeth at least 3 times per day

Spicy food encourages the work of the salivary glands and salivA sanitizes the oral cavity
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4 Major Heart Attack Red Flags You Need to Know

4 Major Heart Attack Red Flags You Need to Know - Despite of what most of the population thinks, not every heart attack is manifested by classic signs like clutching due to severe pain in the chest. In fact, nearly 25% of heart attacks are silent, i.e. they occur without any clear signs and often times, they are fatal since the patient doesn’t seek immediate medical attention.

Dr. Chauncey Crandall, a distinguished American cardiologist, spend decades working on prevention, minimization, and reversal of heart disease. During this period, he came to the conclusion that the heart actually warns of possible heart attack, minutes, days, and even weeks before.

These are some of the early signs of a heart attack in the near future:


A lot of people think that swollen feet and ankles are associated with standing or sitting too much, however, heart problems can also lead to fluid accumulation and cause the legs or abdomen to swell, as well as the ankles and feet. As a result of fluid retention, some patients even gain weight and lose their appetite.


A lot of patients who experienced a heart attack reported feeling anxiety attacks prior to the actual moment when the attack happened. Even though people who suffer from anxiety attacks often think that they’re having a heart attack, it’s always better to be on the safe side and call 911 anyway.

Pain in other body parts

The pain usually begins in the chest and further spreads towards the shoulders, elbows, neck, jaw, arms, and even abdomen. A very common pain is the one felt between the shoulder blades or pain in one or both arms. The pain comes and goes.


Heart failure may cause patients to cough up bloody phlegm, but also they may  experience a nagging or wheezing cough. This is caused by a fluid deposit in the lungs.

Now, let’s take a look at some more traditional symptoms of heart attack:

Discomfort in the chest

Shortness of breath

Cold sweats



IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Never ignore the signs in hope that they will go away. If they last for more than 5 or 10 minutes, don’t hesitate and immediately call an ambulance or have someone drive you to the ER. You can also take an aspirin, unless you’re allergic to it.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

This Is the Biggest Cancer-Causing Food. After Reading This, You Will Never Eat It Again

This Is the Biggest Cancer-Causing Food. After Reading This, You Will Never Eat It Again - With certainty, hot dogs are one of the most popular fast foods in the whole world, especially among the younger population. Regardless of how tasty they are, hot dogs are processed and without any nutritive value.

A new study has shown that hot dogs are a very common breakfast ingredient, along with eggs, coffee, bread, and milk. Unfortunately, the American Institute for Cancer Research stated that when regularly consumed for breakfast, hot dogs increase the chances of colorectal cancer by staggering 21%.

To make matters worse, children who eat more than 12 dogs per month have an increased risk of ilnessses such as leukemia. Below, there is a list of the harmful ingredients found in hot dogs:

  • Mechanically separated turkey

  • Pork

  • Mechanically separated chicken

  • Dextrose

  • Less than 2% of salt

  • Flavor

  • Corn syrup

  • Sodium diacetate

  • Sodium lactate

  • Sodium nitrite

  • Sodium ascorbate

  • Sodium phosphates

  • Animal remains like fatty tissues, skins, feet, heads, etc.

The nitrates and nitrites present in thermally-processed meats attach to amines and form nitrosamines that are carcinogenic, i.e. they lead to abnormal cell division, that is, development of a tumor in a tissue.

According to the USDA, often times, hot dogs contain external objects like maggots, glass shards, eyeball parts, rat legs, band-aids, and disposable blades. Yuck! Will you continue eating hot dogs? One thing’s for sure, we certainly WON’T!
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With Only 3 Tablespoons a Day, You Will Lower Your Cholesterol and Lose Belly Fat Like Crazy!

With Only 3 Tablespoons a Day, You Will Lower Your Cholesterol and Lose Belly Fat Like Crazy! - If you are a person who likes taking care of your health and overall wellbeing, you should definitely know the following remedy because it’s very beneficial for numerous health problems. Thanks to its power, it will help you strengthen and improve your health. By speeding your metabolism, it will help you lose weight in the healthiest way and it will also detoxify the body from all waste that has been causing numerous health issues.

Garlic, an ingredient present in this cure is so potent that it can better the functioning of the organs, cleanse the blood, and encourage the work of the immune system, blood vessels, and the heart. Now, let’s take a look at the recipe:

You will need:

  • 12 peeled garlic cloves

  • ½ liter of red wine

  • A mason jar

Preparation: Chop the cloves and then put them into a previously cleaned mason jar and pour the wine. Close the jar and put it in a sunny area for 2 weeks. You need to shake the jar daily and after 14 days, transfer the content into a dark glass bottle.

Use: Take 1 tbsp, 3 times per day, for a period of one month and then do a 6-month break.

Other benefits of garlic:

  • Antibiotic properties
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Antibacterial properties
  • It can treat inflammatory ilnesses
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Purifies the blood
  • Eliminates salt deposits
  • Speeds up the burning of fat
  • Strengthens the metabolism
  • Increases the energy and stamina
  • The benefits of red wine

A tasty and healthy drink which contains Resveratrol that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Hence, it reduces the chances of blood clots that may cause heart failure and heart attack. Red wine is also known to destroy the cancerous cells only, not the healthy ones as well.
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What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age? - High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems among the worldwide population. Medically known as hypertension, this condition may cause serious health problems like if left untreated. A lot of people can have this condition without experiencing any symptoms. The most common signs of high blood pressure are dizziness, blurry vision, nausea, vomiting, and brief breaths.

Other health problems that may be caused by high blood pressure are loss of memory, atherosclerosis, kidney problems, etc. The reasons for high blood pressure can be numerous like genes, gender, age, smoking, excessive drinking, lack of physical activity, stress, etc. Since age plays an important role in a person’s blood pressure, it’s important to know the high blood parameters according to one’s age. Let’s take a look:


  • Younger than 20- 123/76

  • From 20 to 30- 126/79

  • From 30 to 40- 129/81

  • From 40 to 50-135/83

  • From 50 to 60- 142/85

  • Over 70-142/80


  • Younger than 20- 116/72

  • From 20 to 30- 120/75

  • From 30 to 40-137/84

  • From 40 to 50- 137/84

  • From 50 to 60-144/85

  • Over 70-159/85

Besides medication, there are other ways to control high blood pressure and prevent further complications. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Lose surplus weight and lower your waist circumference
Include regular workout, at least half an hour per day. You can jog, walk, swim, dance, etc.
Eat healthy food, that is, whole grains, fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy products
Lower the intake of sodium, that is, less than 2300 mg per day or less and avoid processed foods and read food labels
Avoid drinking too much alcohol because it can increase your blood pressure and reduce the effect of your blood pressure meds
Give up smoking to lower your high blood pressure and increase your life span
Don’t drink too much caffeine
Try to eliminate stress or at least find a way to cope with it
Monitor blood pressure at home and regularly consult your physician
Look for support from your family and friends or from a support group. This can significantly better your health
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15 Health Issues Cured with Epsom Salt

15 Health Issues Cured with Epsom Salt - Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, i.e. a mixture of magnesium and sulfate and it’s considered to be very healthy. It comes from the Epsom spring in Surrey, England, where the water rises to the payer of porous chalk and non-porous clay of London. Back in 1618, an Epsom farmer saw that his cows avoided drinking water that was bitter. He saw that bitter water had the power to heal skin problems.

From then on, Epsom became very popular. Throughout the years, Epsom salt started being used for a lot of other purposes like medicinal. Let’s take a look at some of the best benefits of Epsom salt:


The skin’s outer layer is covered with dead skin and if this continues for a longer period of time, the pores get clogged and new skin is unable to thrive so there is a need of exfoliation. In order to do that, you need a mild abrasive, i.e. Epsom salt. Apply Epsom salt onto your whole wet body and then you can relax in Epsom salt bath mixed with half a cup of olive oil.

Acne removal

By exfoliating the affected area with Epsom salt you cleanse the pores and remove the microbes that led to acnes.

Hair care

If you apply Epsom onto your hair you will clean it from scalp toxins and make it more voluminous. Add a bit of Epsom to your conditioner and massage the scalp with the content. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse the hair as usually.

The benefits of Magnesim and Sulfate

Magnesium is a mineral needed for more than 325 enzyme processes such as fighting off inflammation, strenghtening the muscles, improving the work of then nerves, and reducing hardened arteries.

Sulfate betters the absorption of nutrients and encourages detoxification. When combined, these two substances prevent blood clots, soothe sprains, reduce joint ache, alleviate sore muscles, lower the inflammation from bruises, relax from tension, strengthen the bones, contribute to better sleep, and reduce the chances of diabetes.

Additional beneficial uses of Epsom salt

In order to alleviate foot pain, smelly feet, and rough feet skin, soak the feet in a mixture of warm water and half a cup of Epsom salt.

In order to stop constipation, drink a glass of water mied with a tsp of Epsom salt.

If you’ve been bitten by a bug or an insect and you need an immediate relief, put and a tbsp of Epsom in warm water and then apply this content onto the affected area.
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How to Stop a Heart Attack in a Minute

How to Stop a Heart Attack in a Minute - Believe it or not, a very simple, but potent ingredient can stop a heart attack in only one minute. John Christopher, a popular herbalist, discovered a beneficial method for stopping a heart attack. His contribution to alternative medicine is very significant. The ingredient, according to him, is cayenne pepper.

Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper and you should always have it in your kitchen cupboard because you can never know whether you will need to save someone from a heart attack. According to the Scoville Heat Units, cayenne pepper has 90,000 Scoville units. Habanero, African Bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican Hot Pepper, Jalapeno, and Scotch Bonet are pepper species with the same SHU value. Cayenne pepper can be found in supermarkets, health food stores, and green markets.

How can cayenne pepper help if a person is having a heart attack?

You should give the person to drink a glass of water mixed with a tsp of cayenne pepper. However, if the person is unconscious, put few drops of cayenne pepper extract under the patient’s tongue.

Being a potent stimulant, cayenne pepper will increase the heart rate and transfer blood to all body parts and thus, it will balance the circulation. Cayenne pepper has calcium, zinc, selenium, and magnesium which are important minerals. It’s also rich in vitamins A and C.

Dr. Schulz’s recipe for cayenne tincture

You will need:

  • Cayenne pepper

  • 1 to 3 cayenne peppers

  • 50% alcohol, vodka for example

  • One liter glass bottle

  • Gloves

Preparation: First, put on the gloves and then fill one quarter of the bottle with cayenne pepper and pour the alcohol so that it covers the pepper. Then, in a blender, blend the peppers and alcohol until you get a sauce-like consistency.  Next, add the blended mixture to the bottle to fill 3/4 of the bottle. Then, pour alcohol to the top of the bottle and close it. Store the bottle in a dark place for 2 weeks and shake it daily. After two weeks, strain the content and keep the tincture in a dark bottle. Keep it in a dry and dark place.

Dr. Schulz’ dosing recommendations

Give 5 to 10 drops of the tincture to a conscious patient who has suffered a stroke or a heart attack.

After 5 minutes, give the same dosage again.

Repeat this until the patient’s condition betters.

Put 1 to 3 drops under the patient’s tongue if he/she is unconscious and begin CPR.

Do the same after 5 minutes.

Repeat the same until you notice improvement in the patient’s condition.

Other benefits of cayenne pepper.

It prevents phomopsis and colletotrichum
It encourages the production of gastric juices and relieves gases
The capsaicin in cayenne pepper prevents the development of tumors in patients with lung cancer
It’s very beneficial against stomach problems, flu, migraines, allergies, obesity, arthritis, and toothaches.
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You Will Never Get a Mammogram after Reading This

You Will Never Get a Mammogram after Reading This
You Will Never Get a Mammogram after Reading This - The results from a 25-year long study that followed closely 90,000 women showed that mammography doesn’t affect breast cancer mortality in any way. During the study, the researchers discovered that the death rate was the same in all women, i.e. the ones who underwent mammography and the ones who didn’t.

Unfortunately, 22% of the screen-detected breast cancers were over-diagnosed, which led to unnecessary treatment. Therefore, the conclusion of the researchers was that there was a need for reassessment of the value of mammography screening. This is a serious concern since it reveals that women don’t benefit from mammography in any way.

The recommendations by the public health agencies should therefore be updated. Namely, according to the American Cancer Society, from the age of 40 onwards, average-risk females should do annual mammograms, whereas the US Preventive Services Task Force advises annual mammograms after the age of 50.

As a consequence, women remain puzzled whether mammography is harmful or not. This year, the Swiss Medical Board made a clear recommendation that systematic mammography should not be done. For a period of 12 months, they examined available data from evidence, but couldn’t find that mammograms were safe or that they were life-saving.

Mammography was able to prevent one death in every thousand woman screened while causing harm in the rest nine hundred and ninety nine. So, the researchers emphasized the importance of avoiding mammograms and the need for changes in the existing programs. This report was published back in 2014.

However, a lot of women still think that skipping their annual mammogram is irresponsible since they’re not informed about the lack of scientific studies that support the benefits of mammograms. Also, a lot of doctors who are a part of the cancer industry and care only about their profits, not about the health of the patients, refute such findings.

If you also have doubts on whether to go to your annual mammography or not, think of these facts:

Mammograms have even fewer benefits than you think-according to a survey, women thought that this screening reduced the risk of breast cancer death by at least half and that it prevented more than 80 deaths per 1000 women screened. Nevertheless, at best, mammography can reduce the risk for 20% and prevent only one breast-cancer death per 10,000 women.

Mammograms increase the risk of breast cancer in women with a BRCA ½ mutation- According to the BMJ, in case of a specific gene mutation known as BRCA ½, women are prone to cancer due to radiation. Women younger than 30 who had this mutation and who were exposed to a mammogram had two times the risk of breast cancer when compared to the women who didn’t have the mutated gene.

Common false positives– unfortunately, the risk of a false positive test over 10 mammograms in the U.S. is 58% to 77%! Such diagnosis leads to stress, anxiety, distress and unnecessary tests, biopsies, and surgeries.

Mammograms are ineffective in women with dense breasts-often times, in women with denser breast tissue; mammography has problems in deciphering what’s what. The law for breast density has been passed in California, New York, Texas, and Connecticut and radiologists are obliged to inform patients who have this type of tissue that the chance of the screening showing nothing is very high.

Waist circumference is associated with the risk of breast cancer- all women should know that mammography is not prevention. If you want to reduce the risk of this disease, focus on prevention by maintaining a healthy body weight, that is, a healthy waist circumference.

A research done with 93,000 overweight post-menopausal women showed that although their overall health and cancer status were measured by the researchers, their waist circumference was strongly associated with risk of breast cancer. More precisely, a lot of breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in the fat tissue.

So, the more body fat in the body, the higher the release of estrogen. If a woman has more belly fat than hip fat, the risk of chronic conditions is much higher.

How to prevent the risk of breast cancer properly:

Don’t consume processed foods and sugar, due to the presence of refined fructose which is highly dangerous.

Consume more vitamin D because this vitamin encourages apoptosis, i.e. programmed cell death of the affected cells. If you have cancer, your vitamin D levels need to be between 70 and 100 ng/ml. You can get it through exposure to sunlight, indoor tanning, or through supplements.

Lower the intake of protein; it should be between 40 and 70 grams of protein per day or 2/3 to half of the current portion. If you are pregnant or if you work out regularly, consume 25% more.

Exclude unfermented soy products- this type of soy has plant estrogens, phytoestrogens, and isoflavones. According to studies, soy combines with human estrogen and increases breast cell proliferation and increases the risk of mutations.

Better the sensitivity of the insulin and leptin receptor- avoid eating sugar ad grains and remember to limit the intake of carbohydrates and eat more fiber from veggies.

Work out- workout lowers the risk of cancer by regulating the insulin levels and it also stimulates apoptosis. Reduction in body fat lowers the number of tumors and the estrogen levels and this is how it prevents breast cancer.

Healthy weight- when you lose surplus body fat, you lower the risk of breast cancer since fat is known to produce estrogen.

Avoid synthetic hormone replacement therapy- according to a study published in the journal of the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer rates were lowered when the hormone replacement therapy was decreased.

Add turmeric to your diet-curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric has been found to prevent breast cancer metastasis. Since it’s not easily absorbed by the body, combine it with other ingredients like black pepper.

Avoid charred meat because it has been linked with an increased risk of breast cancer because the process of baking, roasting, etc. of starchy foods leads to the creation of a carcinogen known as acrylamide.

Increase the intake of iodine since iodine has been found to possess anti-cancer properties and it leads to death of cancer cells in breast cancer and thyroid gland cancer.

Consume high-quality omega-3 fats like krill oil- it has been found that one of the causing factors of cancer is omega-3 deficiency.
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20 Signs That Your Body Is too Acidic and 10 Ways to Quickly Alkalize It

20 Signs That Your Body Is too Acidic and 10 Ways to Quickly Alkalize It
20 Signs That Your Body Is too Acidic and 10 Ways to Quickly Alkalize It - Every organ in the body is influenced by the level of acidity. So, if the body becomes overly acidic, it means that the person is not 100% healthy. Namely, when the body is too acidic it enters a state of acidosis and becomes the perfect surrounding for diseases. On the other hand, a body which is alkaline suffers from less inflammation which is one of the main triggers of a long list of diseases.

Unfortunately, the American diet causes people to stay in a constant state of high acidity. And, when this state persists for a longer period of time, important minerals are removed from organs and bones in order to lower the effects of the acid and eliminate it from the body. This is why there has been a rise in osteoporosis because the bones are leached of the minerals like calcium, salt, magnesium, and potassium.

When these reserves are exploited and there are no minerals left, the body’s acidity increases and diseases occur.

Acidic foods:

  • Grains

  • Dairy

  • Soy

  • Meat

  • Coffee

  • Alcohol

  • Processed foods

  • Refined sugar

  • GMO oils and GMO foods

  • Sugar replacements

When our diet is based on these foods, the metabolism leads to the production of acidic waste products. In order to lower the effects of this waste or to remove it from the body, there is a need of alkaline foods.

The most common symptoms of an overly acidic body:

  • Surplus mucus
  • Coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Osteoporosis
  • Reduced mental clarity
  • Bladder and kidney infections
  • Poor immunity
  • Skin problems like rashes, eczema
  • Bloating, acid reflux, gas, and indigestion
  • Yeast infections
  • Weight gain
  • Diabetes
  • Allergic reactions
  • Sciatica
  • Stiff neck
  • Sensitive gums
  • Cavity
  • Joint and muscle ache

Why doesn’t the body adjust its pH?

The body does this, but at a certain rate. The fluids and the tissues of the body are alkaline. When the body is too acidic, tissues will take alkaline-forming components from other body parts and develop an optimal surrounding for where the alkaline-forming elements were taken. Therefore, in order for the body to change the pH on its own, it does it at a cost of other bodily systems.

So, what is the right way to alkalize the body?

Through changes in your diet and improvements in your lifestyle:

  • Drink a lot of filtered water
  • Lower the intake of acidic foods to a minimum
  • Eat more greens like green juices, green salads, and green smoothies
  • Practice yoga or meditate to reduce the anger, fear, and jealousy since they can also influence the body’s pH
  • Don’t eat GMO foods
  • Eat more veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes
  • Drink lemon water

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

If You Suffer from Back Pain or Sciatica, Try This Natural Remedy and You Won’t Suffer any Longer!

If You Suffer from Back Pain or Sciatica, Try This Natural Remedy and You Won’t Suffer any Longer! - The sciatic nerve in the human body is the largest nerve. When a person experiences pain in the legs, buttock, and the lower back, there is a high chance that the person suffers from sciatica. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve gets irritated or pinched. The pain resulting from it is debilitating and the condition is also manifested by a tingling sensation and numbness in the legs.

Although there are pharmaceutical remedies meant for treating sciatica pain, most of them are only a temporary solution. According to experts, a better solution for a treatment is the person to work out on a regular basis as well as to do yoga stretches. Now, let’s take a look at the most common signs of sciatica:

  • A stabbing pain sensation that prevents the person to walk and stand
  • Pain in the buttock
  • Aggravated sitting
  • Tingling in the legs
  • Weakness in legs or the feet and difficulty moving
  • Pain in the hamstrings and legs
If the remedies prescribed by your physician weren’t effective, you can opt for a more natural approach like the homemade cure presented below:

You will need:

  • 200 ml of milk
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • A bit of honey to taste


First, crush the garlic cloves and then add the milk. Bring the content to low heat and cook it for a few minutes. Make sure to remove it before it starts to boil. Add a bit of honey for a sweeter taste.


Take the mixture daily for immediate relief.

Garlic is known to possess powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics that will alleviate the symptoms of sciatica and prevent the swelling of the sciatic nerve. If you combine this mixture with regular workout and yoga stretches, you will benefit far more than if you rely on the pharmaceutical drugs.
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What Is Your Ideal Weight According to Your Height, Age, and Body Shape

What Is Your Ideal Weight According to Your Height, Age, and Body Shape - An individual’s weight is conditioned by numerous factors like genetics, digestion, environment, etc. A solid, that is, a healthy weight which is proportioned with a person’s height is crucial in order to prevent the possibility of diseases and other health issues.

When a person is overweight, the risk of diseases like hypertension, gallstones, diabetes, coronary illness, etc. is much higher. When you lose the surplus pound, you reduce the chances of health issues and you will feel more energetic. The ideal weight is your health weight. However, excessive weight loss is not good because it can have a negative effect on the individual’s overall wellbeing.

Although there are a lot of weight charts online, the one presented in this article is different from because it has been created through detailed calculations and studies done by experts. The chart denotes a person’s healthy weight by taking 3 parameters into consideration, that is, height, age, and body shape.

Now, let’s take a look at the chart:

What’s your ideal weight?

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10 Eerie Symptoms Which Indicate That You Had a Silent Stroke and That another One Will Soon Follow

10 Eerie Symptoms Which Indicate That You Had a Silent Stroke and That another One Will Soon Follow - Despite what you may have thought by now, elderly people aren’t the only ones prone to a stroke. In fact, strokes can happen to people of all ages. Therefore, it’s crucial to be able to recognize the most common early signs and seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

For that purpose, we’ve made a list of the 10 most common symptoms of stroke. Let’s take a look at the list:

Pain in the face, usually on one side

Sometimes, when a stroke is about to happen, a person may experience pain stabs in the extremities or on one side of the face.

Inability to catch a breath

Sudden loss of breath and difficulty breathing are very common for people who are having a stroke since the lack of oxygen causes arrhythmia.

Loss of vision or blurry vision

44% of stroke patients have experienced loss of vision or blurry vision in one or both eyes.

Loss of balance and inability to walk

A lot of stroke patients have reported general weakness in the upper and lower limbs prior to a stroke. Some have even experienced paralysis and collapse. In order to test whether you are having a stroke, open the arms wide with the palms up and try to hold them for 10 seconds. If one of the arms falls, it means that your muscles are weak and you’re probably having a stroke.

Facial paralysis

Usually, only one side of the face is paralyzed when a person is experiencing a stroke.

Sudden headache and/or vertigo

Usually, vertigo happens in women younger than 45 and this is a clear sign that you need a medical assistance.

Trouble speaking and understanding speech

This symptom may vary from tiny confusions to inability to speak and delirium.


According to studies, women often feel confused, disoriented, and tired prior to a stroke.

Migraine and headache

According to a study, 588 of the participants who suffered from a stroke were young people who experienced a sharp headache or suffered from migraine.

How to reduce the chances for a stroke:

  • Be physically active

  • Eat healthy food

  • Get enough sleep

  • Regulate your body weight

  • Don’t smoke

  • Reduce the intake of alcohol
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The 14 Fake Olive Oil Companies Have Been Revealed-Avoid These Brands

The 14 Fake Olive Oil Companies Have Been Revealed-Avoid These Brands
The 14 Fake Olive Oil Companies Have Been Revealed-Avoid These Brands - According to a recent finding, 7 of the biggest olive oil brands in the U.S. cut their olive oil with canola or sunflower oil and are of poor quality. The investigation that led to this discovery found that 70% of olive oil sold in the U.S. is cut with cheaper and inferior oils. As a consequence, the investigation led by the Italian police closed 85 olive oil producers that mixed olive oil with chlorophyll, sunflower, and canola oil.

Few years back, Australian customers were concerned about the quality of certain olive oil brands and this concern resulted in tests conducted by the government. Unfortunately, none of the olive oil brands got the 2012 certificate of approval. Furthermore, the University of California did a research in which 70% of 124 imported brands of olive oil didn’t pass the authenticity test.

Below, there is a list of the brands that didn’t pass the authenticity test:
  • Carapelli
  • Mezzetta
  • Pompeian
  • Mazola
  • Primadonna
  • Colavita
  • Sasso
  • Antica Badia
  • Star
  • Whole Foods
  • Felippo Berio
  • Safeway
  • Coricelli
  • Bertolli

These are the brands that passed the test:

  • Lucero
  • McEvoy Ranch Organic
  • Corto Olive
  • Omaggio
  • Bariani Olive Oil
  • California Olive Ranch
  • Lucini
  • Ottavio
  • Cobram Estate
  • Olea Estates
  • Kirkland Organic

How to test the authenticity of the olive oil at home

Put the bottle in the fridge or outside if it’s cold for half an hour. If it turns solid, the oil is pure, however, if it doesn’t, it means that it contains additives in the form of monounsaturated fat that maintain it liquid.

Additional tips

You should always check the bottle for labels of approval like ‘Australian Extra Virgin Certified’.
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Kill Sinus Infections in Few Minutes with Something That You Already Have in Your

Kill Sinus Infections in Few Minutes with Something That You Already Have in Your - Sinus infection or sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining tissue of the sinuses. When the sinuses are healthy, they are filled with air, however, when they’re blocked, germs grow inside and cause an infection. The most common signs of sinusitis are fever, facial pain, headache, etc. The most common causes are allergic rhinitis, common cold, deviated septum, and nasal polyps.

There are 2 types of sinusitis, that is, acute or chronic. The former goes after one month or so whereas the latter may last up to 12 weeks or more.  A sinus infection is characterized by a thick mucus and discomfort felt in the cheek bones, forehead, and between the eyes.

The conventional therapy for this health problem is based on antibiotics, however, they’re not the only solution.  What’s more, they should be avoided due to the fact that they may cause numerous side effects.

Luckily, there are potent natural cures that can be of great aid when it comes to sinusitis. One such remedy is apple cider vinegar. Known for its numerous beneficial uses, ACV makes a great remedy for a long list of health problems. It’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and malic acids that are known to aid the destruction of bacteria. Namely, ACV binds to pathogens and aids the body to remove the bacteria more efficiently.

Not all apple cider vinegar is good

You should always opt for raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, and organic ACV like Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

Although ACV is acidic in nature, it has electrolytes that balance the pH of the body and reduces the body’s acidity. Bacteria and viruses are known to thrive in acidic surrounding so making a more alkaline environment prevents the multiplication of the microbes.

If you decide to try the remedy presented below, you won’t regret it because ACV breaks up the mucus and clears the airways whereas the antibacterial properties destroy the bacteria causing the infection, which results in no infection.

When the mucus is broken down, ACV supplies the body with nutrients that better the immunity and prevent the infection from happening again. Let’s take a look at the recipe now:
  • Half a cup of warm water

  • A quarter cup of ACV

  • Juice from half a lemon

  • A tbsp of Manuka honey

  • Half a tsp of cayenne pepper


Mix all of the ingredients in a glass and drink it in sips or gargle it.
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Castor Oil Is the Best Oil for Thickening and Re-growing the Hair, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows

Castor Oil Is the Best Oil for Thickening and Re-growing the Hair, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows - You have probably heard about castor oil and you may even have a bottle of it in your kitchen cupboard. However, are you aware of its power and the numerous ways in which you can benefit from it? If you’re not, then you should definitely continue reading the text.

Namely, castor oil is rich in vitamin E and protein and it also has antibacterial and anti-fungicidal characteristics. It has a triglyceride of fatty acids and 90% of them are made from ricinoleic acid which has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of viruses, bacteria, molds, and yeast. Castor oil is used topically and it can be of great aid for numerous health problems.

These are some of the best benefits of castor oil:

It can thicken and re-grow the hair because it has omega-9 fatty acids that nourish the follicles and hair. The oil penetrates into the pores and follicles which produce hair. So, if you want to thicken and improve the growth of your hair, massage few drops of castor oil into the hair.

It betters the lymphatic flow when it’s topically applied.

It can lower inflammation and swelling of the joints and tissues since the ricinoleic acid in it has anti-inflammatory properties.

The ricinoleic acid in castor oil can prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses, and yeast.

Since it has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics, castor oil encourages bowel movement.

It alleviates menstrual cramps by relaxing the muscles.

It can treat migraine, skin problems like bacterial infections, fungal infections, itching, sprains, warts, etc. athlete’s foot, and ringworm.

As it has insecticidal, germicidal, and fungicidal characteristics, castor oil is very helpful in the treatment of dandruff by protecting the scalp from infections.
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Castor Oil and Baking Soda Can Heal the Body

Castor Oil and Baking Soda Can Heal the Body - The numerous health benefits of castor oil have been known for centuries. Castor oil is so potent that it can treat a long list of health problems, as you will see below. The first recorded use of castor oil dates back to ancient Egypt. It’s known to improve the blood flow and cleanse the body.

Here are the best uses of castor oil:

Lightens dark skin patches when mixed with baking soda.

Removes stretch marks when massaged onto the problematic areas.

Heals bruises, small cuts, and minor wounds.

Aids the removal of pilonidal cysts.

Alleviates pain caused by a sprained ankle.

Cures tinnitus; drink 3 drops mixed with water for a period of 4 months.

Drink 5 drops every day to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Treats throat nodules; rub it onto the neck.

Rub it daily onto the lids prior to bed to treat conjunctivitis.

It breaks down excessive ear wax; just drop one drop into the affected ear.

Take 2 drops per day to remove nicotine from your system.

Massage castor oil onto the soles to remove calluses.

Cure diarrhea by applying castor oil onto the belly.

When mixed with lavender oil, it reduces hyperactivity and muscle problems.

When applied onto the back, it can treat lumbar and cervical pain.

If you want to treat athlete’s foot or fungi, apply castor oil onto the affected area.

In order to remove warts, rub castor oil onto them daily until they fall of.

Rub it onto the chest to stop snoring.

When mixed with baking soda it makes the body more alkaline.

Apply one drop of castor oil onto bug bites to stop inflammation and itching.

Furthermore, castor oil compresses are known to be very helpful in the treatment of joint pain. So, if you experience joint ache, you should try out this compress. Here’s how to prepare it:

Read more:  Do Not Buy Bottled Water Ever Again! Read This Article to Learn Why....

You will need:

  • Castor oil
  • Baking soda
  • A bottle with hot water
  • Aluminum foil
  • Gauze or a cotton cloth


First, cleanse the painful areas with baking soda and warm water. Then, soak the cloth in the castor oil and cover the area with it. Then, wrap it with the foil and hold the bottle with the hot water on top. After 60 minutes, remove the compress and rinse the area. Repeat the procedure every day for a period of two months.

The compress is also beneficial for people who have problems with varicose veins, digestion issues, inflammation, toxic liver, etc.
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Do Not Buy Bottled Water Ever Again! Read This Article to Learn Why...

Do Not Buy Bottled Water Ever Again! Read This Article to Learn Why... - A lot of people drink bottled water. However, have you ever wondered what the plastic bottle is made of? A lot of plastic bottles contain harmful substances which may have a detrimental effect on your overall wellbeing.

On a daily basis, the use of bottled water is up to millions of bottles. At the bottom of every plastic bottle, there should be symbols that indicate the content of the bottle. But, this is not the case with every brand of bottled water. If you want to drink safe bottled water, you should know what the letters on the bottom of the bottle stand for. Let’s take a look:


These initials stand for plastic which contains heavy metals and chemicals that are harmful for our hormones.

PVC or 3V

This is a type of flexible plastic also used for packaging food. However, it releases chemicals that may have a negative influence on the hormones.


The safest type of plastic; it doesn’t harm people and the environment.


This letter is usually found on plastic bottles that are white or transparent.


A type of plastic used for plastic bags which doesn’t release chemicals into the water.


This type of plastic is used for the production of fast food containers which are known to release carcinogenic substances.


This type of plastic contains a lot of chemicals.
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Early Signs That Cancer Is Growing in Your Body

Early Signs That Cancer Is Growing in Your Body - Besides the routine checkups, there are other ways to detect cancer. Firstly, it’s crucial to spot changes in the body and to be able to recognize when something isn’t right. A lot of people fail to recognize some of the main symptoms of this detrimental illness and often times; it becomes too late for the treatment to lead to a positive outcome.

Here are the most common signs of cancer:

  • Shortness of breath and wheezing
  • This is a very common symptom of lung cancer.
  • Chronic cough and pain in the chest

Certain types of cancer like leukemia and lung tumors cause coughing which patients often confuse with bronchitis. Chest pain is often felt in the chest area, but in the arms and shoulders as well.

Frequent infections and fever

These two symptoms are very common for leukemia-cancer of the blood cells which is known to cause development of excessive white blood cells production, which has a negative effect on the body’s ability to fight off infections.

Difficulty swallowing

This is a very common sign of throat or esophageal cancer. Sometimes, it may even happen in lung cancer patients.

Swollen lymph nodes or lumps in the neck, underarms, and groin

Any changes related with the lymph nodes may be an indicator of a problem with the lymphatic system and even cancer.

Excessive bruising and bleeding that won’t stop

This means that there is a problem with the platelets and the red blood cells. Usually, this is a sign of leukemia.


If you feel exhausted even after a good night’s sleep or rest, consult your physician because prolonged fatigue is very common in numerous types of cancer.

Bloating and weight gain in the abdomen

Sudden bloating is very common in ovarian cancer as well as sudden weight gain in the area of the abdomen.

Pain in the abdomen and pelvis

These are common indicators of ovarian cancer, along with bloating. Leukemia is known to cause abdominal pain due to the spleen being larger than normally.

Bloody stool and rectal bleeding

These 2 symptoms are very common in colorectal cancer.

Bleeding in between cycles and painful periods

These two symptoms are very common in endometrial or uterine cancer.

Sores and skin lumps turning crusty or bleeding

These signs indicate skin cancer like melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

How to stop the growth and spread of cancerous cells

Lead a healthier diet

Be physically active

Get enough sleep

Get enough exposure to sun

Reduce stress

According to the American Cancer Society, more than a third of 562,000 cancer deaths will happen as a consequence of obesity, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet. A major role in the creation of cancer is played by low amounts of vitamin D and smoking.

Alternative cancer treatments

Baking soda is exceptional in the treatment of cancer because it targets the cancer cells only, without harming the healthy ones. According to experts, 99% of breast and bladder cancers can disappear in 6 days.

You should increase the level of vitamin  D since the strongest steroid hormone in the human body, calcitriol, is naturally produced when the body receives enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial in the protection against cancer because it induces cell differentiation and controls the proliferation of cells.

How to reduce the risk of cancer

Increase the intake of vitamin D by spending more time outdoors and if needed, take vitamin D supplements.

Exclude processed foods, sugar, and grain carbohydrates from your diet since they break down too fast and increase the levels of leptin and insulin.

Balance the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids by consuming krill oil. Avoid the processed vegetable oils.

Be more physically active as exercising is known to lower the levels of insulin.

Get enough sleep, that is, 7 to 8 hours.

Eat according to your blood type.

Lower the exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, chemicals from household cleaners, synthetic air fresheners, and air pollution.

Protect yourself from radiation by using your mobile phone as less as possible and stay away from cell phone towers and Wi-Fi stations.

Don’t eat fried or charbroiled food, but opt for boiling, poaching, and steaming.

Reprogram the neurological short-circuiting that may activate the cancer genes. Control your emotions and stress with the help of the Meridian Tapping Technique.

If possible, make sure that 85% of your food is raw.
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