Wednesday, August 8, 2018

This Is the Biggest Cancer-Causing Food. After Reading This, You Will Never Eat It Again

This Is the Biggest Cancer-Causing Food. After Reading This, You Will Never Eat It Again - With certainty, hot dogs are one of the most popular fast foods in the whole world, especially among the younger population. Regardless of how tasty they are, hot dogs are processed and without any nutritive value.

A new study has shown that hot dogs are a very common breakfast ingredient, along with eggs, coffee, bread, and milk. Unfortunately, the American Institute for Cancer Research stated that when regularly consumed for breakfast, hot dogs increase the chances of colorectal cancer by staggering 21%.

To make matters worse, children who eat more than 12 dogs per month have an increased risk of ilnessses such as leukemia. Below, there is a list of the harmful ingredients found in hot dogs:

  • Mechanically separated turkey

  • Pork

  • Mechanically separated chicken

  • Dextrose

  • Less than 2% of salt

  • Flavor

  • Corn syrup

  • Sodium diacetate

  • Sodium lactate

  • Sodium nitrite

  • Sodium ascorbate

  • Sodium phosphates

  • Animal remains like fatty tissues, skins, feet, heads, etc.

The nitrates and nitrites present in thermally-processed meats attach to amines and form nitrosamines that are carcinogenic, i.e. they lead to abnormal cell division, that is, development of a tumor in a tissue.

According to the USDA, often times, hot dogs contain external objects like maggots, glass shards, eyeball parts, rat legs, band-aids, and disposable blades. Yuck! Will you continue eating hot dogs? One thing’s for sure, we certainly WON’T!
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